Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mothers Day @ Narbhavi Old Age Home

Mother cares her children unselfishly. Selfish Children
Shut the door during the ripe age forcing them to become
Orphans. The people who run the old age homes are the
Personifications of the almighty. There is nothing in the
World greater than giving the care to the parents deprived
Of care by their children during their old age. Every one in
the society should support the cause of such homes.

A mother's love so sweet…. they make all the sweet birds tweet.
Mother is a part of God. Mother is a part of Love.
Mother is a part of our Strength. Mother is a part of our Winning.
Mother is a part of us who direct us to right path to proceed.

Mother’s Day - Celebrations …. A Sweet & cherishing moment for all the wonderful mothers out there in Narbhavi Old Age Home…….