Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I Me & Myself

People often say be practical! But really can the problems be solved by implementing this so called Mantra? What about beliefs, trust, faith?? Do they really don’t have enough space in this practical world??

A new peaceful world can be build by well-wished things which can satisfy our near and dear ones without passing surreptitious and crooked paths where we can attain things which comes our way without much struggle & pain, which gives peace of mind & peace of living.But can anyone cost their own life for others beliefs and desires?

When ever-loving things come upfront and when fight starts for beliefs then the real world stands in front by opposing not to conquer the objectives which you really desire.
Day-to-Day anticipation & Uncertainness arises. Confidence Levels decrease and finally very old brand name comes to limelight named “FOOLISHNESS”.

But “HOPE” is a one word which can erase the blurredness and gives Lifetime Validity!!! What is the booster pack when confidence goes low & when one can’t get solutions from their own dearies ???

“ I Me Myself “ … Rewind all your cherished memories & achievements & flush back all the worthless reminiscences in a calm and cupid way !!!

When one can judge one’s own abilities then no room should be given to destiny to fill one’s empty spaces….

Though world is practical & desires perfect realistic fruitful outcomes… Just counter it and say “ I Me Myself” …coz even if failures take front seat one can attain learning’s which will pave path for appetizing victory…coz no one can know better than our own proficiency and personality…

So Stay Focussed and believe your beliefs !!! :-)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Celebrate the lessons of living and loving

Mental Retardation,Causes and preventions during pregnancy

What is Mental Retardation?

Mental Retardation is a delay or slowness in the mental development of a person. It is a condition and not a disease. People with this condition will have less mental ability or intelligence than others having difficulty in learning, understanding, communicating with others and adjusting their behavior to the various situations in everyday life.



1) Conceiving a child at a very young or at old age.

2) Poor nutrition of girl child and in young women.

3) Family history of mental retardation (Inherited causes).

4) Malnutrition or lack of some minerals during pregnancy like lack of Iodine may result to cretinism.

5) Infections like German Measles, tetanus, etc.

6) Repeated fits and high blood pressure in pregnant women.

7) Accidents during pregnancy.

8) Addictions – smoking, alcohol etc.


1) Premature birth and problems at the time of delivery can damage the brain.

a) Prolonged labour
b) Difficult labour
c) Excessive bleeding during delivery.
d) Complication of forceps.

2) Abnormal position .for example babies born with feet coming first.
3) Delay in birth cry.


Though a normal child is born certain factors after birth may cause damage to brain which results in mental retardation like
1) Poor nutrition.
2) Illness, such as jaundice, fits etc.
3) Infections to the brain such as meningitis and encephalitis.
4) Accidents like head injury and poisoning.



Ø Best period for child bearing is between 20 to 30 years of age.
Ø Maintain good nutrition of young women even before pregnancy.
Ø avoid marriage between close relations with a family history of disability
Ø Genetic counseling for parents and couples.


Ø Pregnant women should have proper nutrition. Regular medical checkup is very important.
Ø During pregnancy medicines should be taken only after consulting the doctor.
Ø Pregnant women should not be exposed to radiation, such as, x-rays, especially during the first Trimester.
Ø Women should be immunized against diseases like German measles and tetanus at an appropriate time.
Ø Repeated fits and high blood pressure should be under the care of a qualified doctor so that the blood pressure is under control and fits do not occur.
Ø Climbing on stool, walking on slippery floor to be avoided.
Ø Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy.


Foetal distress must be detected early and a qualified doctor should be called immediately.
In case of abnormal positioning of the foetus in the womb, the delivery must be conducted by a qualified doctor & any congenital abnormalities /respiratory distress and fits should be immediately looked in to and the child must be sent to a specialist.
Immediately after birth the airway must be cleared. If the baby’s color is blue then he must be given oxygen immediately.


Ø Proper nutrition during the early years should be given; otherwise malnutrition may cause damage to the baby’s brain.
Ø Immunization should be given at the appropriate time. Timely and proper treatment of infections and illness should be ensured.
Ø Necessary safety measures to be undertaking to avoid accidents. Keep drugs, chemicals and poisons out of reach of children.

Happy SriRamaNavami

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fultoo Phool


Your One Visit makes BIG Difference !!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Greeny Tales

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Women power yet again

We might have seen many social workers who contribute their best for a better society, But the lady whom I met is someone who is completely exceptional and quite motivating.

Vijaya Lakshmi, mother of twins who born with CP(Cerebral palsy)problem.They cannot walk. They can just crawl.Their speech will not be clear and their minds are not matured. After experiencing their problems she did a correspondence course in CP, a 1 year course, got trained in Lekadweep,Hyderabad on how to maintain a home for CP kids.

She went to nearby villages and started educating villagers on
-> How actually these kids will be born and what reasons lead the baby's to born with this problems.
-> How these kids need to be treated and what all special care need to be taken?
-> How to educate these kids and how to make them independent?

She started a Home called Sai Mano Teja in 1998.Got rented place for both school and home.Nearby village children get education in school and hostel facilities are provided for children who cannot commute frequently.

She will educate the children on basic things necessary for living and also shares the education on CP problems.All the children will learn on how to make candles and books (similar things which are taught in Lekadweep).

Her Ultimate motto is to give them salary for their little works depending on
the profits which she get in turn....But as of now no profits...

Problems faced by her :

1) Vijayalakshmi & her husband are the only team who runs this home from a period of time. They need some support from any organization so that their home gets recognition from other people so that they can get funds.

2) Everyday the day scholars will commute in Auto back to their homes.She is able to pay only half the money by some how pleasing the auto drives to adjust as she is not having sufficient money.

3) She is unable to pay the amount demanded by the care takers( who will clean and take care of these blessed children)as they are demanding more amount.

4) A cook is kept for hostelers, even she is unable to pay the amount for her monthly salary.

There is a major financial & motivational problem.If we can give her a group strength it will be of great value....for all the efforts which she is placing all along....

Contact Number - Vijayalakshmi,09391617389..........

She is quite ahead in the women power league...all she needs - > funds,support,global exposure ...

Be the change .....Lets make things better ....... Lets contribute...